• 8 Oct, 2024
  • UZA Information and Media

Road, Rail and Air

Zimbabwe's transportation infrastructure - rail, road and air - has crumbled to such an extent that it is now a critical barrier to economic progress. The state of our roads is dire, filled with potholes and poorly maintained surfaces that stretch for kilometres. This infrastructure decay is not just an inconvenience; it is a national economic disaster. Tourism, once a thriving industry, suffers tremendously as tourists are deterred by unsafe roads. Goods transportation, crucial for both domestic markets and international trade, is now slower, more dangerous and more expensive. The consistent and fatal accidents on our roads are not simply "accidents" - they are the direct result of gross negligence, corruption and mismanagement by those in power. We must recognise that until our road network is prioritised, we will remain trapped in a cycle of underdevelopment, unnecessary deaths and stunted economic growth.

The National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) once played a pivotal role in the movement of goods and people across the country. Today, NRZ services have been slashed dramatically due to a dilapidated rail infrastructure and outdated rolling stock. With an average of over 30 years on most locomotives, NRZ is now a shadow of its former self. The rail sector’s failure means that heavy cargo that should be transported by rail, such as coal, minerals and agricultural products, is now damaging our roads even further. Reviving the NRZ would not only alleviate pressure on our roads but also restore a critical artery for industrial and agricultural transportation. However, the current state of neglect cannot continue - investment in modern rail infrastructure, public-private partnerships and anti-corruption measures are crucial to its revival.

Air Zimbabwe has similarly collapsed under the weight of corruption, mismanagement and nepotism. The Gold Mafia scandal exposed just how deeply these problems run within the system, showing how state assets are looted while the majority of Zimbabwean youth are sidelined. Rather than focusing on merit and talent, nepotism continues to dominate recruitment in Air Zimbabwe, leaving the airline far from its potential. The airline's operational inefficiency has worsened, with old aircraft, irregular flights and an inability to compete regionally and globally. If we are to transform Air Zimbabwe into a competitive player, we need comprehensive reform, beginning with eradicating corruption, appointing leaders based on merit and ensuring transparent accountability mechanisms.

Zimbabwe's transportation crisis requires urgent and strategic intervention. UZA believes that the following steps are essential for our recovery:

  1. Road Rehabilitation: A national road rehabilitation program, driven by both public and private sector collaboration, must be immediately implemented. Road toll revenues should be transparently allocated to their intended purpose - road maintenance.

  2. NRZ Revival: Investment in modernising rail infrastructure should be prioritised. Public-private partnerships (PPPs) should be explored to rebuild and expand rail networks, particularly for cargo transport. Corruption within NRZ must be eradicated, with accountable management in place.

  3. Air Zimbabwe Reformation: Air Zimbabwe must undergo systemic reform, removing corrupt elements and ensuring equal opportunities for qualified individuals, especially the youth. The airline should focus on modernising its fleet and improving service reliability while streamlining operations to ensure long-term sustainability.

The future of Zimbabwe depends on how we address these critical infrastructure challenges. Rebuilding our transport system will unlock economic potential, create jobs and finally end the needless loss of lives on our roads. Let’s unite, as we advocate for a better life for every Zimbabwean.