• 1 Jul, 2024
  • United Zimbabwe Alliance

International Day of Cooperatives

On this International Day of Cooperatives, the United Zimbabwe Alliance (UZA) extends its heartfelt recognition and support to the cooperative movement in Zimbabwe. This year's theme, "Cooperatives Building a Better Future for All," resonates profoundly with our vision for a prosperous, inclusive, and resilient nation. As we navigate through a landscape marked by economic challenges, cooperatives stand as beacons of hope and empowerment for communities across our country.

The Role of Cooperatives in Zimbabwe's Economic and Social Advancement

Cooperatives have long been recognized as vital associations and enterprises through which citizens can significantly improve their lives while contributing to the economic, social, cultural, and political advancement of their communities and nation. In Zimbabwe, where economic challenges such as hyperinflation, unemployment, and limited access to financial services are prevalent, the cooperative movement stands out as a distinct and major stakeholder in national and international affairs. The United Zimbabwe Alliance believes that cooperatives are key to building a better future for all Zimbabweans. Here are the ways in which cooperatives contribute to this vision:

Wealth Creation and Poverty Elimination: The open membership model of cooperatives offers an inclusive pathway to wealth creation and poverty elimination. This model operates on the cooperative principle of members' economic participation: "Members contribute equitably to, and democratically control, the capital of their cooperative." In Zimbabwe, where many are excluded from traditional economic systems, cooperatives provide a platform for equitable participation in economic activities. Because cooperatives are people-centered, not capital-centered, they prevent the concentration of wealth and ensure a more fair distribution of resources.

Commitment to Sustainable Development: Cooperatives in Zimbabwe can ensure realisation of sustainable development of their communities—environmentally, socially, and economically. Such support for local activities, the local sourcing of supplies benefit the local economy, and decision-making processes that consider the broader impact on their communities. For instance, agricultural cooperatives often adopt sustainable farming practices that enhance food security while preserving the environment.

Promoting Local Economic Development: Amidst Zimbabwe's economic challenges, cooperatives play a crucial role in promoting local economic development. By pooling resources, cooperatives enable members to achieve collective goals that would be unattainable individually. Housing cooperatives, for example, address the housing crisis by providing affordable and decent housing solutions through collaborative efforts. Financial cooperatives, such as credit unions, offer critical financial services to underserved populations, fostering economic inclusion and resilience.

Global Aspiration and Local Impact: While deeply rooted in their local communities, Zimbabwean cooperatives can also extend the benefits of their economic and social model globally. In a world where globalization can often lead to greater inequality and unsustainable practices, the cooperative movement offers a values-based approach that emphasizes fairness, equity, and sustainability. By adhering to these principles, cooperatives contribute to a more balanced and inclusive global economy.

Democratic and Autonomous Governance: Cooperatives provide a democratic form of organization where citizens rely on self-help and their own responsibility to achieve goals that include economic, social, and environmental objectives. In Zimbabwe, this means overcoming poverty, securing productive employment, and encouraging social integration. The democratic nature of cooperatives ensures that all members have a voice in decision-making processes, fostering a sense of ownership and accountability.

The Call to Action

On this day, the United Zimbabwe Alliance calls upon the government, private sector, and civil society to support and strengthen the cooperative movement in Zimbabwe. We advocate for:

Policy Support: Formulating and implementing policies that create a conducive environment for cooperatives to thrive, including access to finance, capacity building, and market linkages. A supportive policy framework is crucial for fostering the growth and sustainability of cooperatives, ensuring they can effectively contribute to national development.

Capacity Building: Investing in training and education programs to enhance the skills and knowledge of cooperative members and leaders, ensuring effective management and sustainability. Empowered with the right skills and knowledge, cooperative members can drive their enterprises towards greater efficiency and impact.

Partnerships: Encouraging partnerships between cooperatives and other stakeholders to leverage resources, share best practices, and amplify impact. Collaborations with government bodies, private sector entities, and international organizations can provide cooperatives with the necessary support and opportunities for growth.

Cooperatives are powerful vehicles for economic transformation and social progress. The United Zimbabwe Alliance stands committed to supporting the cooperative movement as a cornerstone of our national development strategy. Together, let us build a future where every Zimbabwean can thrive and prosper through the spirit of cooperation and mutual aid.