• 15 Sep, 2024
  • UZA Information and Media

International Day of Democracy

On this International Day of Democracy, UZA reflects on how crucial it is to preserve civil liberties, the rule of law, free speech, and institutional accountability. Established by a resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2007, this day is observed globally on September 15 of each year. The resolution calls on governments to fortify and solidify democracy. The theme for this year emphasises how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used as a tool for good governance. Artificial Intelligence has enormous potential to improve human development, equality, security, and public participation. For the benefits of AI to be maximised and its risks to be minimised, effective local and good governance is essential.

The state of democracy in Zimbabwe still faces many obstacles. Following the overthrow of the late President Robert Mugabe in 2017, the country has had difficulty putting the democratic values outlined in the 2013 Constitution into practice. The enactment of important laws that would harmonise the legal system with the constitution has been sluggish. Furthermore, political violence, intimidation, and the repression of civil liberties have continued, undermining Zimbabwe's hopes for democracy. Many voters are disillusioned and believe that their votes do not actually result in real change because of the lack of trust in the electoral process, which has been worsened by persistent claims of violence and vote-rigging.


Despite our Constitution, Zanu PF continues to repress political discourse, civil society and the opposition, as well as undermining democratic principles, even in the face of a constitutional framework that upholds these rights and freedoms. We believe that every Zimbabwean should be free to exercise their freedoms, express their opinions and that their voices should lead to their desired political change. On this significant day, UZA reaffirms its commitment to building a Zimbabwe in which democracy is not only codified in legislation but also a reality for each and every one of its citizens.